Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I want to take some time to thank anyone that is reading my blog...Family, friends, co-workers, Facebook friends, Aim High members. You are all so important to us & have helped to make this journey a little easier. Your support is greatly appreciated & truly makes a difference.

Most of you I know & are so involved in our life. Some of you are strangers & I only know you from the computer. We are all connected somehow. There are moms reading this from all over the country! There are moms that have a child with DS that are years older than Emmie. You give me hope. There are also moms just learning of their child's DS diagnosis. I want to give you hope & tell you that I understand & that it will be ok. Hugs to you!!

So, thanks to each & every one of you that has taken the time to read our story. Thank you for your emails, phone calls, hugs, cards, books, etc. We are grateful!! My goal for this blog is to share our story & keep everyone up to date on Emily's progress. I also want to reach out to other's going through this experience. If I can help one other mom realize that DS is only a different life & not an end to life, I have made a difference.



  1. And thank you for sharing your feelings so honestly with us and for sharing beautiful Emmie with us.

  2. Emily Grace is adorable! Congratulations!!!
